Wednesday, February 09, 2011
Not many people know this (not many people even know me) but I love teddy bears. I've been collecting bears for 7 years, and now I have 2. I know it's not many but I had only 1 until a month ago. I'm not even sure if it's called a collection. But there's at least some progress since I have one more now than before, and I've been trying to collect bears for 7 years, so I'm going to call myself a bear collector.
It's just so hard to find bears I like. They have to have right faces, right sizes and weights, material is very important, too. Merrythought from England makes really nice bears. They are all handmade. I love the cheeky series. And the new bear I have is from a German company Steiff. The tiny bear is made with alpaca fur. So he is a bear and also an alpaca. How nice.
Since I can't find bears I like so easily, I decided to make them on my own. I started cutting fabrics without drawing any lines, without knowing what they were going to look like. I just kept sewing until I was satisfied.
And... a little bit later, they were born..
They turned out to be not the kind of bears I would buy. And they are not even bears. I think I'm going to stay on the side of the bear buyer, not the bear maker. But I decided to become some kind of stuffed animaler!
So, it's turkey sandwich time!! :D
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Sometimes I paint.
When I have to paint, I REALLY have to paint. Like I don't have time to go find brushes and a pallet and water. So I use my fingers as brushes, my skin (usually legs and left arm) as a pallet, and I guess I get water from a bottle that I'm drinking from or something..?
I don't have much to say about these paintings.
So... Here! I painted something! :D
When I have to paint, I REALLY have to paint. Like I don't have time to go find brushes and a pallet and water. So I use my fingers as brushes, my skin (usually legs and left arm) as a pallet, and I guess I get water from a bottle that I'm drinking from or something..?
I don't have much to say about these paintings.
So... Here! I painted something! :D

From the sketckbook
I forgot where I found this sketchbook.
But the paper isn't shiny clean white, the thickness isn't even, and you can see the pulp through the light. Nice $18.99. (Somehow I remember just the price)
But the paper isn't shiny clean white, the thickness isn't even, and you can see the pulp through the light. Nice $18.99. (Somehow I remember just the price)
Friday, July 02, 2010
I was so busy around this time last year...
I'm making some very stupid desert creatures now. I was painting one of their heads today and suddenly I felt like blogging. It's so rare so I'm going to say something now even though I don't really have anything to show here..

I was thinking of some dry sandy tan-ey color for them but I started painting and it changed. I used blue and cold yellow and some red and orange-y yellow and green and... I don't remember. This is called mystery dreamy colour. I wonder if you can see well in the pictures.. I used my camera phone and it's like.. maybe 3cm (1cm=0.39370078740157in) better than a poop. If you can't see it well enough, just come to my apartment. The address is 241....... maybe not. Don't come to my apartment.
I'm still working on the color. I might change it. Actually, probably I will. Then why am I updating this blog now...? hmmm...... .... .......
I feel like custard. Rie feels like custard. (It's important. I had to say it twice.) I should make a banana cream pie soon.
I was thinking of some dry sandy tan-ey color for them but I started painting and it changed. I used blue and cold yellow and some red and orange-y yellow and green and... I don't remember. This is called mystery dreamy colour. I wonder if you can see well in the pictures.. I used my camera phone and it's like.. maybe 3cm (1cm=0.39370078740157in) better than a poop. If you can't see it well enough, just come to my apartment. The address is 241....... maybe not. Don't come to my apartment.
I'm still working on the color. I might change it. Actually, probably I will. Then why am I updating this blog now...? hmmm...... .... .......
I feel like custard. Rie feels like custard. (It's important. I had to say it twice.) I should make a banana cream pie soon.
Friday, March 05, 2010
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Tuesday, November 04, 2008
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Thursday, October 02, 2008
Last Saturday...
It was a warm, shiny morning. I was having a nice and slow, peaceful waking up time checking my e-mails. I didn't have any plans for the day, but I was excited about the Saturday.
I found an e-mail. It says;
............. ...
...It's today. ..hmm. I haven't finished my works for the show yet.
.........OK. I'm going to have some cereal now. I like brown fiber-y cereals. I had a happy breakfast with my favorite little spoon.
-about 5 hours later...-
I was at the gallery writing the material of my animals.
"Sculpey + Love"
I'm glad I made it in time.
So... the opening is going to be tomorrow, October 3rd, 7:00-11:00.
I hope it'll be a happy night tomorrow :)
I found an e-mail. It says;
just wated to let you know that drop off for the october cave show is this saturday from noon-3pm.
here is the address - 507 Rose Ave. VENICE
............. ...
...It's today. ..hmm. I haven't finished my works for the show yet.
.........OK. I'm going to have some cereal now. I like brown fiber-y cereals. I had a happy breakfast with my favorite little spoon.
-about 5 hours later...-
I was at the gallery writing the material of my animals.
"Sculpey + Love"
I'm glad I made it in time.
So... the opening is going to be tomorrow, October 3rd, 7:00-11:00.
I hope it'll be a happy night tomorrow :)